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Nov 27, 2012

Anti-gay, Christian, child ographer; lying textbooks; a really bad statue of the pope; a woman in Ireland dies when denied an abortion; and public displays of Christmas.

Nov 19, 2012

Mayans say no to the capitalization of their calendar, being Atheist a plus on OKCupid, Atheists sue IRS for failure to monitor church policking, and Dan and Frank discuss the Ten Commandments—basically... they suck.

Nov 12, 2012

Drive-thru church, post-election layoffs, the Egyptian pope prefers secularism, and TGIA's very own "clip show."

Nov 5, 2012

Utah gets a new license plate, Sistine Chapel turns 500, church-going teens attend college at higher rate than those who don't, Catholic bishop orders priests to read anti-Obama letter over the pulpit, and a look at the role religious affiliation might play in the election.